Hitsteps live visitor tracking provides component, extensions and modules package for Joomla

Step by Step Guide on how to install on Joomla 3
Step by Step Guide on how to install on Joomla 4
How to uninstall on Joomla 3?
How to uninstall on Joomla 4?
It is so easy to Install and start using hitsteps. Here is a step by step guide on how to use hitsteps with Joomla 3.
1. Please get your hitsteps API Key. ( Here is how )
2. Download Hitsteps Joomla Extension using download link in above.
3. Login to your Joomla Administrator and click on "Extension Manager" ( Joomla 1.5 users see this button as Install/Uninstall )

4. Choose Downloaded Extension file and Click Upload & Install button.
5. You'll see extension file has been successfully installed on your Joomla, Now you need to configure it.
6. Click on "Plugin" button from Extensions menu.

7. Choose Hitsteps Live Stats, You can search for "Hitsteps" to easily find it.
8. Click on Basic Options.

9. Enter your Hitsteps API Code ( Here is how to get it ).
10. Save your configuration and enjoy!
You can access your Hitsteps Dashboard to see your visitors data and you also have a summary widget in your Joomla control panel too.

It is so easy to Install and start using hitsteps. Here is a step by step guide on how to use hitsteps with Joomla 4.
1. Please get your hitsteps API Key. ( Here is how )
2. Download Hitsteps Joomla Extension using download link in above.
3. Login to your Joomla Administrator and click on "System" from left sidebar
4. Inside Install block, click on Extension

5. Choose Downloaded Extension file and Drop it inside & Install area.

6. You'll see extension file has been successfully installed on your Joomla, Now you need to configure it.
6. In System menu, click on "Plugins" inside Manage block.

6. Find Hitsteps plugin and open it

6. Enter your API code (Here is how to get API code) and save the plugin changes.

7. Your website is now being tracked by Hitsteps. We additionally recommend to activate our administrator modules for your cpanel (dashboard) page:

It is so easy to Install and start using hitsteps, If you are unable to get it work, please contact us and we will help you. If you wish to uninstall hitsteps in your Joomla site, Here is a step by step guide on how to remove hitsteps on Joomla 3
1. Go to extensions menu
2. Open Manage page.
3. Find Hitsteps plugins
4. Select them.
5. Click on Uninstall.
6. Ignore any message that Joomla might show to you, It is already deleted.

It is so easy to Install and start using hitsteps, If you are unable to get it work, please contact us and we will help you. If you wish to uninstall hitsteps in your Joomla site, Here is a step by step guide on how to remove hitsteps on Joomla 4
1. Go to system from left sidebar
2. In Manage block, Click on extensions.

3. Find Hitsteps plugins
4. Select them.
5. Click on Uninstall.
6. Ignore any message that Joomla might show to you, It is already deleted.