Nous parlons francais!


It’s been a while we are working on this one, french language is hard to learn, and we now realized, it is also hard to translate! Took us 1 month and half to finally get language ready all over hitsteps, but it come just on time for this new year, we welcome 2016 with a new language!

If you are a french user and you have selected french as your language during signup, hitsteps now automatically show french language to you,

New users will be detected by their geolocation and correct language will be set for them, so everything goes smooth and automatic.

If you would like to get back to english language, you can do so by using language switcher at footer of our homepage.

There are lot of languages out there, but it take very long time to translate for each of them, therefor we will plan a community driven system where everybody can collaborate their own language and shape hitsteps for their own, wait for that!