Human Psychology and Device’s Battery Life

Website Visitors Battery life tracking

Perhaps you noticed battery indicator level of 100% stay much longer than usual in your mobile devices and this percentage get reduced faster and faster as time goes by. You’re not alone. Your phone might show 100% battery when it is actually 90%. Why is it this way?

Users behaviour varies and it depend on battery life!

Imagine you are sitting on your desk, with your laptop connected to a wired adaptor and battery is 100% full. It means you are sitting on this desk for quite sometime.

Sitting on same desk with 10% battery lifeĀ while plugged in to adaptor, means you are just back to your desk.

Likewise, being on a battery of 95% and unplugged to adaptor, means you’ve just left your desk, and 10% of battery life on a battery, means you’ve had a long day and still not back to your comfort place, your desk, where you can charge your device.

This is same difference that play a strong role for differences between desktop and mobile users behaviours.

You get the idea? How likely it is for a user to purchase your product when on just 5% battery left if your product is Food? or if your product is a Laptop?
If you’re selling time-sensitive product like Food, your conversionĀ rate goes higher. If you’re selling more expensive product like Laptop, your sale chance is lower.
Uber reported that their customers are more likely to accept surcharge and get a ride when their users battery life is low, so should you treat users with 5% battery left and those who are on 100% battery and plugged in, same?

HitstepsĀ provide you with a tool that you can monitor each individual visitors in your website and see their current device battery life, remaining time to finish their battery to help you address them better. Be it get used forĀ conversion monitoring, or by a live chat agent, who see customer battery is low and time to address the user before he ran out of battery is running out! Hitsteps website visitors battery life tracking tool support those visitors who are using a compatible browser and device.

One thought on “Human Psychology and Device’s Battery Life”

  1. As the human psychology indicates one’s behaviour, similarly, the battery life indicates the life of a particular phone. As soon as the battery would be running out, the phone will also be inactive or dead.

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