3 tips for public sector marketing

If you are trying to market in the public sector, then you will know that it is far more complex and intense than conventional business marketing.

This is because you are not just trying to appeal to the public; you are accountable to them too. This narrows your options when it comes to marketing, forcing you to tread a tricky line between building a distinct brand identity and appealing to a diverse audience. 

However, this is not to say that it is impossible to market in the public sector – far from it. When individuals and organizations master the ability to communicate with their audience in the public sector, they don’t just win the approval of the people they are aiming to serve but steal a huge march on any competitors they might have. 

The best news is that communicating successfully in the public sector is not about spinning PR statements, distancing yourself from your audience, or having to outright avoid the truth. On the contrary, in an age where that is prevalent in the public eye, maintaining your integrity, honesty, and independence is the most powerful approach of all.

Here are three tips for public sector marketing:

Work with a specialist digital marketing agency

The first piece of advice you should consider is that consulting with a specialist is not a cynical move but a constructive step towards a more effective communications strategy.


Marketing in the digital age is fastmoving, and it can be difficult to keep up with what works and what doesn’t – even for professional marketers. 

This is especially true in the public sector, where social channels ebb in and out of fashion, and it can be tricky to know where to position yourself or the organization you are representing.

Therefore, don’t be afraid to reach out to a digital marketing agency that specializes in marketing and communications for the public sector.

Keep your message as pure as possible

If there is one approach to take when it comes to all marketing (but especially in the public sector), it is that you shouldn’t be afraid to be yourself.

This is not to say that you should share all your intimate details or try to be more candid than is appropriate, but honesty is and always has been the most persuasive marketing principle. 

It is easy to fall into the trap of creating a specific image far removed from your true character or forcing your organization into a tight PR box that you can’t wriggle out of. 

Unfortunately, your audience has a keen nose for authenticity, and if they sense you are not being entirely honest or speaking your true feelings about a public matter, then they will cease to follow or respect you.

Therefore, keep your message as pure as possible by being yourself, embracing your unique personality (even organizations have a persona of sorts), and avoiding any bandwagons.

Stick to a single place online if possible

It is best to keep your public sector communications strategy as simple as possible. It needs to be easy to manage, and your audience needs to know where they can find you. 

While you might imagine pleasing everyone by being on every social media channel is a good idea, it will only make you look needy and unfocused. 

Instead, focus on a single channel if possible, and focus your attention purely on that. It will increase your follower count and make it easier for you to cultivate a strong line of communication.

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