Company Information from Business Visitors

We’re proud to announce a new feature (currently in BETA, but available for all members) which detect type of your visitors and detect if they are a business or residential visitor. Additionally it can detect if visitors is from a government firm or from a university or school.

This feature is currently in BETA as there is not a single source of valid data. we verify information from more than 3 sources to make sure all of them report a visitor as business and then marking visitor as a business user. There are times each of our sources report a different data and we are enhancing our algorithm over time to be able detect user type more accurately as we go on.

We match your visitors data with our companies data and provide information such as IP Address, business full address, contact number, email address, employees size and website address.

You can access this feature by looking at user type icon next to their country flag (business users are marked with a suitcase) and you can see list of all business users by looking at “Companies” sub-menu under “Visitors” menu.
You will see information for each of businesses by clicking on their profile.

Tracking Videos your visitors watch in your website

More and more websites are using videos in their homepage, product pages and other pages.
Previously, tracking videos required lot of tweaks and configuration on developers behalf for each video that is going to be tracked, well… it doesn’t have to be like that!

We are happy to announce one more new feature today, Automatic detection of vidoes in your website.
Our tracking script is now enhanced with a video detection tool which scan your website for any HTML5, YouTube or JW Player videos or audio, and it require zero coding from your site to enable it.

Now when a visitor open your website and click on a video, once they watch half of the video and when watch the video until the end, you will be updated about it in main dashboard view.
You can see this actions in visitor activity list if you click on a user too.

It might take up to one week until previous tracking code get removed from your browser cache, in case you want to test this feature by yourself. so you need to clear your browser cache and enjoy viewing how it works!


Signed In Clients Tracking Across Multiple Devices

It is vital for SME and startups to know each single visitors requirment better. We make watching steps fun again!

It used to be a dream in classic analytics era. You never knew if same user is now browsing your website via another computer. Nowadays, mobile devices such as tablets and phones (and separate office and home computers) it is vital for businesses to be able track same user behaviour in their website no matter which device they are using.

Hitsteps create a nice timeline of your visitors sessions from different devices. Your plugin will send us your signed In user ID and we will use that to match if same user sign in using another device.

Once we found same user, profiles will be merged together to make a unified experience for you. If you send a message to your customer (or if he send message to you via Hitsteps Chat feature) you will be receiving all chat history under same user profile, and looking at visitor pageview path, you will exactly know what this customer has used/visited so far.

If you are using our CMS plugins, this feature is automatically enabled for you. but if you are using our tracking code manually, you need to let your programmer know about this feature and integrate hitsteps user ID tracking

It is very easy. All you need to do is to put this code on header of signed in pages and replace YOUR_DEFINED_UNIQUE_ID with visitor’s ID (you need a programmer to do it for you):


Enjoy watching steps!

Page Analysis is new heatmap

Page Analysis, It make you forget about classic heatmaps! dive into Page Analysis. We have added Page Analysis under Heatmap menu in your dashboard. Zero configuration needed. You can look at number of clicks on each elements in your key and lead pages. It works with dynamic elements, carousels and even submenus. Go discover all those items you never thought your visitors would click!

Why next heatmap? Classic heatmaps looks nice, those colorful maps that shows click spots. but what if you have a dynamic page, a popup on startup or something that get all clicks and let you keep guessing for other parts. Well, no more guessing.

Now you can simply take a look at each element in your page and see how many click each of them got. Check it now in your dashboard, it is included in your current plan if you had heatmap.

How to patch your Linux Server against newly discovered glibc vulnerability?

There is a very critical security problem detected with linux server which allow hackers to gain access to your Mailserver and SSH without ever knowing it’s password.

It is a buffer overflow caused by Glibc known as GHOST, it is vulnerability # CVE-2015-0235 which announced on 27th January. More details about this issue is here.

You can patch your C Library (Glibc in CentOS or libc in Debian) easily know. they have published fix and all you need to do is to update your server and then reboot it.

In CentOS (5,6,7) you can run following commands to fix this issue:

yum update glibc

and then you need to reboot your server:

shutdown -r now

And you are on safe side now!

In Debian or Ubuntu, you can use:

apt-get update
apt-get upgrade

to update your OS.

again, type reboot command to reboot your server:


and now your servers are safe 🙂



Customize Your Web Analytics Dashboard


We’ve took one step toward personalization!
Some of you have asked us how to customize dashboard, here it is now!

Open your dashboard, and move widgets around. put them wherever you prefer them to be.

You can even resize that big active visitors widget and make it smaller!

If you think our current default layout of dashboard widgets is not appealing, share yours with us at

We would like to see it from your side 🙂


Nous parlons francais!


It’s been a while we are working on this one, french language is hard to learn, and we now realized, it is also hard to translate! Took us 1 month and half to finally get language ready all over hitsteps, but it come just on time for this new year, we welcome 2016 with a new language!

If you are a french user and you have selected french as your language during signup, hitsteps now automatically show french language to you,

New users will be detected by their geolocation and correct language will be set for them, so everything goes smooth and automatic.

If you would like to get back to english language, you can do so by using language switcher at footer of our homepage.

There are lot of languages out there, but it take very long time to translate for each of them, therefor we will plan a community driven system where everybody can collaborate their own language and shape hitsteps for their own, wait for that!

How Visitor Profile unifying works in Hitsteps Web Analytics?

We are happy to announce a new feature, called “Cross-Device” or “Visitor Merging”, you get the idea.

You can see full customer journey in your website. So your users can access your services on their phones, tablets and desktop. Hitsteps now will keep all of their different devices profile in one unique profile, making it easy for you to keep track of each particular users.

Basically, what it do is to assign an Unique ID to your visitors (say their email) once they leave a comment or once they login.

Next time same user come to your website, even with another device, mobile or tablet, once they login back, Hitsteps will detect their previous profile and merge them together. so that new session will be continue of user’s previous session. be 1 day before or 1 month before.

You can register your hitsteps account now and give it a try. If you use wordpress, be sure to use our WordPress plugin to automatically integrate this feature.

It comes handy when your users register on your website from mobile device, then few days later continue their browsing from a Desktop and purchase something from you. If profiles were to kept separated, you look at profile who purchases from you and you have no idea how this visitor even find your website! Worry no more!

Our WordPress users can update their WordPress plugin to v4.81 now and benefit from this feature on their WordPress based website (WooCommerce and such)

Unified visitor sessions

Here is how it looks like in your visitor profile reporting:

visitor profile timeline

Our other users will need a little bit of coding.

Just put following code above hitstep’s tracking script, you need to define a unique ID using server-side scripting, and we will take care of rest:


so that you can define a unique ID for each user, say their email address or their User ID and have it linked to visitor who is browsing your website.

While you are there, don’t forget you can set a name for your visitor using ipname parameter as well:


Once a user login and If we have user’s unique ID stored before, All events he fired and pages he viewed perior to login, will be linked to main profile ID by Hitsteps Analytics and make a unified timeline of full user behaviour.

How to install Hitsteps Web Analytics in Shopify

hitsteps love shopify

We are proud to announce hitsteps full integration with Shopify ecommerce and online shop service.

If you have a shopify shop, don’t worry about changing themes and inject hitsteps code. Simply install hitsteps app from the Shopify App Store.

The app will automatically install, add your website to hitsteps, create predefined shopify labels for you to track sales and products, and automatically install hitsteps code on all pages of your Shopify Store.


Enforce Anti-bot & Anti-spam analytics filtering

Today we have a real deal for you, for those of you who are tired of getting excited by a high peak on your traffic only to know that it’s been a Microsoft Bingbot, Google bot, Facebook crawler or any other bot crawling around in your website.

We had a basic bot filtering in place since our launch last year, but now we have tighten this system.

Now we actively scan each one of your visitors to make sure we are only providing you with real human analytics who are accessing your website.

It helps to give you a real analytics insight, purely based on real human visitors and avoid fake generated pageviews from various web services.

For example, if somebody share your page on facebook, facebook will open your website to take a snapshot for thumbnail photos. this process will repeat for each new shares. Normally you might think you are getting lot of visitors, but in fact they are all Facebook thumbnail generator bots trying to open your website and get list of photos to show them upon sharing. It give you false hope and screw your analytics data. We have eliminated it!

As a result of filtering this visitors from your analytics, Hitsteps might show slightly lower hits compared to other analytics services where they count all hits. It come to our attention that many many analytics still track visitors like in ancient days and ignoring the fact that nowadays, many web services have a tool to scan your website and thus, they show you not so useful analytics insight.

If you were still unsure about hitsteps analytics, but now you made up your mind, go ahead! We will meet you inside. Get Hitsteps WordPress plugin.