Percentage values in Email report and Dashboard pages

We have decided to change the way we shown percentage values in hitsteps.

You most probably seen that first item ( e.g. in popular pages section ) is always 100%. Reason behind it was that we calculate percentage value relative to highest hit. We did this back in our private beta times when our customers wanted more contrast between each value.

After some internal discussion and our customers feedbacks, we have decided to change percentage values to be relative to total hits, as a result, represent a better picture of each row.

This change has been applied to your email report and dashboard as of today.

Continue reading Percentage values in Email report and Dashboard pages

Referral Spammers, no more!

If you looked at your analytics data recently and looked at your referral section, probably you have noticed some strange referrals from websites that you cannot identify why they should send you visitors!


We are strictly against spam and automated bots in hitsteps and we are against this method of referral spamming too. as you know, your analytics number and list of online users only reflect your true human visitors and you won’t see bots, spammers and spiders in your web statistics.

These services are not actually sending you real traffic! we have analyzed all traffics coming from them for all of our customers and we noticed a bounce rate of 100%, it means all visitors come through them close website as soon as it is loaded. this is highly unlikely scenario from human-line browsing.

so why they do this? They are actually advertising to you. this way, they can show their name to you in your statistics report. so you get curious and follow up to see who are they and visit their website! so this way they increase their visibility not only in hitsteps, all other analytics such as google analytics, piwik and … too, as they show them as your top referral once they have send enough (useless and bounced!) traffic to you.

We don’t know how they send this traffic to you, but we assure you this traffics are spam and therefore their name in your referral section is spam as well, as a result we have took necessary action to protect our users from spam statistics and continue to provide real human web analytics.

Starting from today, this referrals won’t show up as your online visitor, won’t count as a pageview and won’t show up in your referrals in hitsteps.

If you are only using hitsteps, then you are protected!

Make widgets in your plugin compatible for WordPress v4.3

WordPress v4.3 is just a week and half away to be released and it is a major update for developers!

WordPress team being innovative again and deprecated PHP4 style classes in old WordPress, therefor, your plugin is going to show an ugly error in case you use WP_Widget class to show a widget in your website sidebar.

We use hitsteps live support widget and statistics widget in our plugin, so we had to update our codes too and…

Here is what to do!

Open your editor and search for any reference to “extends WP_Widget”


Your widget class have a name, and most probably (PHP4 style), name of your plugin is used as a function inside of same class. Look here, here’s ours:


Now, change function name to __construct(). this is new way of defining default function of a class.

And inside of that function, you’ll have a code that call WP_Widget.
It can be parent::WP_Widget, $this->WP_Widget, {something}->WP_Widget… which all are deprecated!

You have to change that to parent::__construct(…);

Here is how it should look like after you done all this changes:


Number of “extends WP_Widget” lines you have match number of widgets your plugin create. You’ll need to repeat this process for each of them.

Congrats! Your plugin is officially compatible with WordPress v4.3

If you wish to read more about this, you can read this and this from official WordPress team.

We have just released our update for WordPress v4.3 users today, so you can expect a smooth upgrade to new WordPress regarding our analytics service 🙂

[Solved] Windows 10 update stealing your Internet connection. Disable it immediately

Have you noticed your internet is slower or your data is finishing faster after upgrading to Windows 10?

Hitsteps analytics code in our customers and members website show a huge sudden increase for Windows 10 users, thanks to Microsoft’s automatic update. Just after 1 day of release, 14 million windows users upgraded to Windows 10 and number is increasing, But handling such a huge amount of updates are quite difficult for microsoft, so they are using your computer for it too! Windows 10 is best windows since Windows 7, it actually fixed all mess up caused by Windows 8 and make it look like Windows 7 again!

However, did you know that once you moved to Windows 10, you are sharing your windows updates with the world? Yes, you read it correctly. In short, Microsoft use your computer and your internet connection to distribute Microsoft updates to people around the world. (same way Torrent technology is working) How’s that sound to you if you have a limited traffic quota to use on your Internet and have to be careful about amount of data transferred from/to your computer?
We wish Microsoft disable this feature by default but don’t worry, here is how to disable it.

This feature is called WUDO (Windows update delivery optimization) and aim to speed up update download process (and do a good job in doing it) however it might cost you your internet package if you are not on an unlimited data plan.

How to disable Windows update delivery optimization (WUDO)?

It is very easy. click on start menu, go to setting, open update and security. click on Choose how updates are delivered.

Here it is! You can change it to share updates with only your local PCs only or turn this feature off entirely.


What it takes to be best web analytics solution available?

Hitsteps do provide free license for most complicated features and we do it for a reason. More users will lead to more feedbacks and ultimately lead to more quality platform for everyone.

We have based direction of hitsteps analytics based on our users feedback. Ask for it and you shall receive. If you don’t see a feature in hitsteps, it is just because you haven’t asked for it yet!

You have asked how to add it to your wordpress website, we provided you a comprehensive plugin which not only integrate hitsteps to your WordPress site, but it also add amazing tracking features for your contact and commerce forms.

You asked about Joomla, we provided you with an easy way. We tried to bring it to Drupal, but drupal teams being very strict about rules, we are still working on it. We don’t (DO!) blame it on them!

Those of you who experienced taste of hitsteps on your wordpress woocommerce site are asking for us to add same implementation for Shopify, we heard you and it is on the way!

Feature wise, you asked for heatmap tracking, you got it. Labels, goals and campaigns? Long time ago!

You said you want live chat with visitors? Isn’t it supposed to be a different service than web analytics? No, it is not if it can be integrated with web analytics to provide details of visitor who is chatting with you.

Now, we want to target you again. As an entrepreneur, as a business owner, manager of website in your company, as a webmaster, an internet shop owner or as a blogger, be it WordPress, weebly, tumblr or just a plain html site, what do you want to know about your website visitors? What features do you think are needed and are essential for a web analytics?

We are giving away free lifetime license to most interesting idea, no matter how big your traffic is!
Drop us a message until end of August and you can be our lucky winner.

Happy brainstorming!

Optimized Mobile Chat for your visitors

In additional to Website Analytics, We have polished, renewed and optimized hitsteps chat for your mobile visitors.

As you know, we updated our entire GUI few months back to make it mobile friendly for our users, however, chat dialog for your own visitors was still using old non-responsive codes.

Today, we are proud to announce that you can chat with your visitors who browse on a mobile phone without making them go nut!

Thanks to our friends at who helped us identify this problem.

Jetpack Contact Form Analytics

We have received many positive responses from you when we first launched WooCommerce order analytics, Ninja form, Gravity forms and Contact form 7 email analytics last month, and today we are excited to announce Integration with Automattic Jetpack for WordPress.

Grab Hitsteps latest WordPress plugin and it will automatically integrate visitor IP address, Visitor name (if they registered or leave comment), Device info, Visit path and much more in your incoming emails.

If you not willing to receive analytics informations, but want to use hitsteps, you can turn this feature off in WordPress Setting of Hitsteps.

WooCommerce Integration

Hitsteps now Integrate with Contact form 7, Ninja Forms and Gravity Forms as well as WooCommerce New Order Emails in WordPress, so you will receive your customer full detail including IP Address, Location, Device and Browser Info, also their First Visit date and time, first referrer and first landing page, and list of their recent pageviews in your email when they buy from you or contact you!

Knowing source of your true customers never been easier. Helping and answering your visitors question could be more accurate and helpful when you know which pages they see before contacting you.

Grab your updated copy of Hitsteps WordPress plugin from here

Ninja Forms Contact Form Analytics is supported too!

It was an exciting day few days ago when we announced our WordPress hitsteps web analytics plugin no longer only provide analytics on the web, but it also integrate it for Gravity forms and Contact form 7, and today we have took one more step forward.

We have received many request from those of you who use Ninja Forms, and we listened! We just integrated Ninja Forms contact forms into our plugin, so you can drop hitsteps widget into your forms and receive full analytics information of users who submitted the form, including full pageview paths.

Download/Update to our latest WordPress plugin to have this feature enabled in your website.

Let us hear your feedbacks about this, enjoy!

Contact Form Analytics

We are proud to release a new product from hitsteps, Contact form analytics!

Please go to and update to newest version of Hitsteps plugin.

Have you ever wish to know more about those who email you from your website? Did you wish that there was an easy way to track those users, know their viewed pages, their device setting, their activity on your site, so that you can answer them and help them better? We are here to help!

If you been using hitsteps before, you know that we have advanced and very detailed web analytics system. Now that we have integrated contact forms with this analytics tool, Hitsteps will not change look of your current forms, it is just an invisible piece of code but it will revolutionize your contact form emails!

Currently we do support Gravity forms and our team is working on Contact form 7 support at moment., Contact form 7 plugins for WordPress. Custom API will be available for developers soon, so that you can integrate it to any website and web service.

Once you install hitsteps analytics plugin and enable hitsteps widget in your contact form, you will be able to have something like above screenshot in all emails send from your website, happy supporting your customers even better than past, from now on!